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Choose your payment option

  • 15 hour retainer

    $75/hour+ 5% comission on furniture (not included in price)
    Valid for 6 months
    • Home refreshment design services
  • 15 hour installment

    Every month
    $75/hour+ 5% comission on furniture (not included in price)
    Valid for 3 months
    • Home refreshment design services
  • 30 hour retainer

    $95/hour+ 5% comission on furniture (not included in price)
    Valid for 8 months
    • Full home design services
  • 30 hour installment

    Every month
    $95/hour+ 5% comission on furniture (not included in price)
    Valid for 6 months
    • Full home design services

Please check out my Sustainability Mission page to learn more about sustainable design and how we can incorporate thrifting and other forms of  sustainability in your home design.

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