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The Full Story

My Sustainability Mission

What is sustainability? 


According to the United Nations, sustainability is "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

​Sustainability plays a huge role in society and is impacted by everything we do as individuals. 

​it may seem far fetched, but we as individual members of our society have the ability to start change, and at the very least, reduce our carbon footprint. I have made it part of my business mission to promote sustainability through offering an option of thrifted home design for those as concerned about sustainability as I am.

​How thrifted home design works


I want to be an example of how it is possible to thrift both home decor and furniture for varying aesthetics. Thrift shopping is extremely affordable and allows me to create a truly unique space for my clients in any aesthetic of their choosing.


  • It is a bit of a lengthier process, so my work retainers for fully or partly thrifted projects vary from about 20-25 hour retainers for home refreshment projects and 35-40 hours for large home design projects. Hours can fluctuate if necessary, as always.


For clients who choose to incorporate thrifting as part of their design projects, I will provide thrifted options as well as new options of  furniture and decor pieces for clients to choose from.


  • Choosing this package DOES NOT mean that you entire project has to be thrifted. For example, if you want your furniture to be new but don't mind some of your decor being thrifted, that works perfectly as well!



To the right is a small snippet photo of a thrift store window. There are perfect examples of drinkware sets, ceramic vases, candle votives, baskets and much more! Can you spot them?

Vintage Kitchenware
Antique Shop
Antique Shop

What's the big deal about thrifted home design?

Thrifting is a great way to find high end, vintage items at an affordable price! Plus it benefits the buyer, society and the environment. 

Antique Shop

​Benefits of thrifted design

Personal- high end and big ticket items at an affordable price; leaving more financial wiggle room for project expansion.


Social- Thrifted and second hand stores have created a whole new, sustainable industry. This means more available jobs, and the ability for those on a smaller incomes to afford home design and high ticket items.


​Environmental- Did you know that recycling plastic realeases carcinogenic toxins into the air!

The compound that causes plastic to harden into its intended shape becomes toxic gas when heated up to be recycled.


  • We have always been taught to reduce, reuse and recycle, but it turns out that reducing our waste and reusing what is already made are the best two options.


  • ​Thrifting does this perfectly by reducing the items that are thrown away qnd giving us the opportunity to rehome used items.

Vintage Music Store
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